The Vacationing Soul: A Beach Devotional by Cathy Baker
Do you enjoy vacations, going to the beach, and reading devotionals? Allow me to introduce my guest blogger today, Cathy Baker. We first met at a writers conference in North Carolina. Cathy radiates a fun-spirited soul who loves the Lord. Her new e-book, written specifically for the beach, released this week on Amazon. I know you’ll enjoy her heart as you find out more about how to get her devotional. Welcome, Cathy.
Beauty in the Mundane
Have you ever wondered how God could possibly take seemingly mundane tasks, ideas, or habits and use them as beautiful expressions of His glory years later?
I can’t help but think of a shepherd boy I learned about in Vacation Bible School. Like any good shepherd, he sheared the sheep’s winter fleece. And he traversed many miles to find the perfect spot for his flock to feed and rest.
We know this shepherd boy one day became a king—King David.
He couldn’t have known that the life skills he honed as a menial shepherd boy would one day sharpen to the point of becoming a beloved ruler over Israel. But God knew.
- God knew that David’s faithfulness in caring well for the sheep would one day produce a king who cared deeply for His people.
- God knew that David’s ability to overcome lions and bears (2 Samuel 17:33-37) would strengthen David’s faith and his knowledge of Him.
- God knew that David’s lonely days on hillsides would emotionally prepare him to not only be a strong king, but also a poet and musician. A blessing to everyone who seeks solace in the psalms today.
David didn’t know that his life experiences as a shepherd would prepare him to be a king, but God did.
Devotional for the Beach
When I became a Christ follower at the ripe old age of 27, I couldn’t devour His Word fast enough. For the first time in my life, His words began resonating with my spirit, drawing me closer to Him.
Over the past twenty-plus years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching adult Bible studies. Almost without fail, I incorporated a sensory element into every study. Such as handing out a small tangible gift as a reminder of a particular truth we learned. Other times, I play music, or pass around an authentic crown of thorns. How could anyone hold something so heavy with meaning and not draw closer to the One who wore it on their behalf?
Fast forward to three years ago on a warm sandy beach in Garden City, SC. I soaked up the salty air and enjoyed the quiet breezes when the idea came to mind to create some type of devotional for the beach.
The following year, the idea returned, but this time with more details. I was reminded of the various sensory-driven elements I’d used over the years. But it wasn’t until I returned home that I sensed God’s confirmation.
You see, within a few days of arriving home, I crossed paths with a woman who attended a study over a decade ago. She shared how the bag of sand handed out during the study was still in her bedside table because it serves as a daily reminder of God’s love for her. Don’t you love how God is in the details?
Pauses for the Vacationing Soul
It’s taken a few years, but the idea that began on the beach came to fruition this week in the form of a sensory-based devotional guide for the beach. “Pauses for the Vacationing Soul.” It’s the first book in a series that will include vacations from the mountains, lake, Disney, stay-cations, and even the holidays.
Looking back, I can only trace the origin of the book back three years. But in reality, God began preparing me much sooner by placing the desire to share simple sensory elements in my studies. I didn’t know it was anything more than a deep desire to draw us all closer to God. But God knew there would be more.
And He knows what He’s preparing for you, too, my friend. Like David…
God does not waste one moment of your life. Not one experience has escaped His notice. #God Share on XWe find our confidence in this:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 NIV
Is there an experience in your life where you’ve seen God use it for His glory? Please share! I welcome the opportunity to celebrate with you.
Cathy Baker is an award-winning writer and Bible teacher who delights in observing God at work in the nuances of life. She is the author of a sensory-based devotional guide for the beach, “Pauses for the Vacationing Soul.” Her work has also been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Upper Room, Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family, etc. Her poetry has been published in two anthologies. She and her husband, Brian, live in the foothills of the Carolinas where she one day hopes to raise Pygmy goats.
Connect with Cathy online at where you’ll find her blog, Cultivating Creativity. Subscribe to get a free beach-theme coloring page!
Connect on social media:
Twitter: @cathysbaker
Instagram: cathysbaker
Facebook: Cathy Baker
Pinterest: tea4thee
Cathy’s e-book:
Pauses for the Vacationing Soul: A Sensory-Based Devotion Guide for the Beach.
Available now on Amazon. Remember, you do NOT need to own a Kindle device or other e-reader to purchase the book. Simply download the FREE Kindle app from Amazon to your laptop, iPad, or phone.
Blog featured images courtesy of Adobe Spark.

[…] and mine continues on Karen ‘Girl’ Friday’s blog, “Hope Is Among Us”. Click her to join us. {And did I mention a Starbucks gift card will be given away in celebration of the this week’s […]
Cathy I love learning more about you and how God led you to do this book which is great. And I commented in my review how you could apply the same principle to mountain, lake or staycation! So I’m glad it’s a series.
I have decorative boxes that holds the seashells, seaglass etc. that I’ve kept each summer beach vacation. A sensory keepsake of family time together.
Daphne W.
Daphne, I love the idea of having a box to hold your beach memories. I noticed your comment on the review and couldn’t help but smile. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share. Blessings!!!
[…] blog for this community about her first e-book in the series for the beach. Read her post here, The Vacationing Soul: A Beach Devotional by Cathy Baker. And her second book, a devotional guide for the mountains, released last […]
[…] and mine continues on Karen ‘Girl’ Friday’s blog, “Hope Is Among Us”. Click here to join us. {And did I mention a Starbucks gift card will be given away in celebration of the this week’s […]