3 Ways to Never Miss Out on Ta-Da Moments
It rolled off my tongue like a magician who just performed a feat.
And it amused the only audience member, my husband. But this fanfare moment out-shined the last attempt at Ta-Da when everything went amiss.
The epic fail occurred after I pulled the hot iron skillet out of the oven. To display the southern goodness, I proceeded to execute the flip, turning the skillet upside down onto a plate. Good ole’ buttermilk cornbread ready for slicing and eating.
Yet, instead of letting go, the cornbread stuck. I loosened the edges with a knife and tried again. No, stubbornness made up its mind and never budged.
So, I sliced and dug, leaving most of the outer crust behind. I made a pact that day. The next execution would be a Ta-Da one.
Spraying non-stick cooking oil until I coughed from the fumes. Then I slathered shortening on as insurance. Allowing the oil to reach a high temp in the oven before pouring the batter in to bake.
Flip and presto. A glorious Ta-Da moment. Cornbread released and onto the serving plate. Sweet victory! I wanted to take a bow.
But Ta-Da announcements are not just for magicians or cornbread makers.
Here’s 3 ways to never miss out on Ta-Da moments:
1) Look for Whoa! moments in the daily grind.
We often underestimate where God places us. A life-season, community, church, family, work, or online presence strategic to the Lord’s plan.
And we yawn during the less than exciting parts from sunup to sundown. Restless and discontent, we miss out on Ta-Da moments in our everyday.
The daily grind…the routine…the commonplace of work, laundry, dishes, or yard work seems less than spectacular. Because non-stick cornbread shouldn’t be the highlight of my day.
So we hope for magical moments and wait while our inner critic gives poor reviews for the mundane in life.
God displays His beauty and glory in me during my day-to-day life. #TaDa #beauty Share on XBut, God displays His beauty and glory in run-of-the-mill men and women and during day-to-day life. Biblical people like Moses, Esther, and Abraham, ordinary people like me and you.
Still, we take for granted the simple pleasures in life. Whether it’s our role as a cornbread maker, parent, grandparent, spouse, caregiver, friend, employee, or ministry position.
Don’t miss Ta-Da among the familiar parts of your everyday life. #life #TaDa Share on X2) Let God do what only He can do.
Our internal voice often whispers, Ta-Da finishes are only for the deserving ones with so much talent, it oozes out of them. People with finesse and real style. Those who demand attention for doing remarkable things.
Yet, Scripture highlights Ta-Da moments by the opposite standards. Moments demanding attention for God alone.
Show-stopping Ta-Da’s of the Lord’s incredible power.
And He shined through ordinary people without a single ounce of the world’s idea of talent.
Look at Psalm 105 in The Message:
Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name!
Tell everyone you meet what he has done!
Sing him songs, belt out hymns,
translate his wonders into music!
Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs,
you who seek God. Live a happy life!
Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works;
be alert for signs of his presence.
Remember the world of wonders he has made,
his miracles…. (1-5)
3) Listen for heaven’s intercom to announce today’s special moments.
Jesus performed miracles for people’s physical and spiritual hardships. But He also lived as fully human and used examples of daily life to teach spiritual truths.
A woman sweeping the house to look for a lost coin, children playing, farming, fishing, naps, weddings, taxes, fathers, mothers, and food. Jesus went to people’s homes for dinner. I wonder if anyone served cornbread?
All moments of Ta-Da at their finest.
“Ta-Da!” moments are announced over heaven’s intercom…
“The special for today and every day is Jesus. Invite Him into each part of your life, the mundane and the spectacular. He enjoys every breath and step you take. When God thinks of you, He says, ‘Ta-Da!’”
When God thinks of me, He says, “Ta-Da!” #TaDa #God Share on XPhotos and design courtesy of Adobe Spark.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.
© 2018 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

I love those everyday “ta-da” moments. I believe it’s God’s way of giving us joy. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder to look for those special moments.
Yes, I agree, Melissa. Joy in the everyday parts of life. We were created for Ta-Da moments! And Jesus ushers them into our daily lives in the most simple, yet glorious ways!
I remember as when I was a young mom feeling like my life was nothing very exciting or special. I spent the day cleaning up messes and breaking up arguments. One evening as I sat folding laundry, God impressed upon me how important my job as a mother was to Him. My hugs, wiping dirty faces, reading stories, and all of the countless “little” things were powerful in His sight. I was raising His sons and daughters and the was exciting and special.
That night the laundry basket became an altar as I had my “Ta-da” moment with my Heavenly Father.
Thanks for this very important reminder that God is always at work in and through us. We must be alert and sensitive to it.
Thanks for sharing your experience, Beckie. Most of us can relate to examples like yours. It really is a struggle. It moves my heart to think about how much Jesus wants to be invited into the spectacular and mundane parts of our life and day. He enjoys every breath and step we take. Thanks for commenting.
I love this, Karen – Ta Da moments and lives are by God and for God but he lets us celebrate alongside (when I keep my darn eyes open…) Blessings on your weekend.And cornbread.
Sue, thanks so much! And yes, we must keep our eyes open for those glorious moments. And after we see Ta-Da displayed in our lives, we react… “Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done!” Blessings! Appreciate you stopping by to comment. 🙂
Karen this is one of my favorite posts of the year I think. It is Good News to my momma soul!!!
Wow, thanks Meg. And don’t we often wish our season of life away? “Wishing” we experienced more glam-moments of spectacular parts of life. Yet, Jesus did life with people in the daily grind. There’s much to learn from Him in those places and moments of our lives. So you just keep moving forward in your momma-role, basking in the glory of “Ta-Da!” with your kids and family and writing and every nook and granny of your life as God orchestrates it.
I love your third point of listening for heaven’s daily specials. I know I can get so caught up in desires for bigger things or dreams coming to fruition that I can forget to notice all of the daily ‘Ta-Da’ moments.
Thank you, Melissa. I can relate. So thankful Ta-Da moments are announced over heaven’s intercom, because the special today and every day is Jesus himself. Appreciate you commenting!
The devil is not in the details, God is. Not only ta-da but ah-ha. He’s in the small things too. He may have said ta-da when He created us. By the way To-dah, long o, means thank you in Hebrew and the word abracadabra, has roots in it as well, I speak and create, sounds like God to me, the devil only copies and plays tricks. By the way I love cornbread, do you put mayonnaise in instead of egg, I do. God bless you Girl Friday.
Rebecca, thanks for sharing, love the Hebrew meaning and the other “speak and create” thoughts you mention. And, yes, it sounds like God to me too. No I use an egg in my cornbread, but I may try the mayonnaise trick sometime. 🙂 Blessings!