What If We Lived the Christian Life in 3D?

Have you experienced a 3D movie, ride, or game? Three dimensional creates an up close, interactive, and sensory experience in width, height, and depth. So why not apply this to the Christian life?
Because there are numerous Bible studies and devotionals on the subject of how to live the Christian life.
And there’s no better time in the current state of our world to live up close and personal with God and interactive in our faith.
3D Christian Life Up Close and Personal
3D aspects of width, height, and depth bring the spiritual realm up close and personal with God Himself.
So let’s put on our 3D glasses and look at the story in chapter 3 of Joshua.
After the death of Moses, Joshua’s commissioned as leader. The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years. Time came to enter the Promised Land.
God’s people set out and arrived at the Jordan river where they lodged for three days. They needed to get to the other side but not take the long way home.
The Lord gave specific instructions. The priests were to carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord (His presence) to the brink of the water. The people were commanded to follow at a distance in order to “know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.” Joshua 3:4 (ESV)
Joshua told the people to consecrate themselves for the Lord would do wonders among them (Joshua 3:5). When the soles of the priests’ feet rested in the waters, the waters, at flood stage, would stop flowing and stand in a heap. (Joshua 3:13)
Living the Christian Life in 3D
Dimension 1: Obedience to God’s commands, plan, and way.
Obedience adds width to our spiritual journey. It shows we believe in the power of God’s hand and the power of His Word.
Obedience to the Lord expands our borders of abundant life and broadens our scope of influence for God’s kingdom.
God wants our obedience, not our help.
God wants our obedience, not our help. Share on XCan we really help the God of the universe?
Oh, we often try. In our mind and prayers, we devise plans and ask God to do it our way. But He always has our greatest interest at heart, concerned for our well-being. His way is best.
While I understand the concept of self-help, the Christian life lies on the opposite end of the spectrum. It’s about living through the power of Christ and the Holy Spirit
Friends, we don’t need self-help. We can’t help ourselves. We need God help, Jesus help, and help from the Holy Spirit.
Friends, we don’t need self-help. We can’t help ourselves. We need God help, Jesus help, and help from the Holy Spirit. Share on XGod’s people needed His help to cross the Jordan. On the other side was a new kind of life.

As God’s people, we need His help to cross the Jordan rivers in our lives. We can do it God’s way or our way.
On the other side lies victory and new beginnings. But we often must cross over difficult relationships, new jobs, hardships, loss, and the seasons in life.
Our way often sweeps us away with flood waters. We drown in despair as wanderers in life. And we never enter the promised destination where abundant life awaits.
3D Holy Living
Dimension 2: Consecration to God’s Holy and sacred character.
Consecration adds height to our spiritual journey—takes us up close to God.
The Lord calls His people to holiness, purity, and separation from the world. God delights in a holy people.
The Lord calls His people to holiness, purity, and separation from the world. God delights in a holy people. Share on X“Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.’” Joshua 3:5 (NIV)
Consecration involved cleansing in the water at the bank of the river. A spiritual rite for sanctification to a Holy God.
The literal meaning for consecration is “association with the sacred” (Google).
We have the privilege to associate with the sacred every day. Jesus Christ.
The Christian Life, Amazing Wonders in 3D
Dimension 3: Amazing wonders displayed in our lives—the extraordinary.
Obedience and consecration leads to this third dimension. It adds depth (deepness) to our spiritual journey.
The Lord’s works and miracles become a reality we see, hear, and touch. We are involved in the scene and experience the supernatural.
We walk by faith in the promise of God’s power.
Nothing happened at the Jordan until the priests stepped in by faith and obedience. Then, the miraculous happened.
“The priests bearing the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firmly on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan.” Joshua 3:17 ( ESV)
As we stand on the banks of our Jordan, God’s capable of making a way. He walks before us and keeps our feet on dry ground.

There’s no better time in our world for God’s people to live the Christian life in this 3 dimensional way.
Photos courtesy of our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.
Last week’s article, 5 God Declarations for Whatever Happens.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).
© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

Such a unique way to describe the width, depth and height of expressing our love for God and trusting completely in His goodness and mercy, Karen! I enjoyed every word you’ve shared with us here, and have most definitely taken it to heart.
Blessings always!
Glad this inspired you, Martha. I hope we remember how we need God help, Jesus help, and help from the Holy Spirit.
Another encouraging post Ms. Karen. Yes! God demands our obedience but will not leave us in our disobedience. Not sure if I capture 3D-Christianity as you describe it, but do my best to give Him my all. I fail more times than I should perhaps, but with a sincere prayer, He picks me up, dusts me off, and sits me back on His path for me. Thank you ma’am.
I pray to obey and not try to help Him manage my life. God bless!
Everything seems so much more vibrant in 3D! Obedience, consecration and depth of our spiritual journey are vibrant components of our Christian living that you have illustrated so well! I can see a 3 D triangle, like the trinity, growing more vibrant and full as I focus on living the Christian life.
I like how you noted the 3D triangle like the trinity, Lynn. That’s a good word. I pray we believe in the power of God’s hand and the power of His Word. God bless.
Wow, Karen! What a fresh insight you provided through this message! I appreciated the ways you helped us dig deeper into this text, gleaning greater spiritual truths from this biblical account. The miracle happened when the priests put their feet in the water. But this miracle began with obedience to the Lord and holiness before the Lord. Powerful teaching for today!
Thanks for your encouraing words, Melissa. I so desire to obey and consecrate myself to experience those amazing wonders from the Lord. And to step out in faith knowing miracles await. God bless.
So good! That line, “God wants our obedience, not our help,” really speaks to me. Often I think getting close and “going 3D” with God means me stepping up to help and join and do… but it’s really that he wants us to obey and follow and do as he says. Sometimes that includes help, but he certainly doesn’t need us or even ask for that!
Seriously Jessica, it is easy to want to join the Lord when He only wants our obedience so He can do the heavy lifting. God bless.
I loved your message Karen, so true. God wants our obedience even when we don’t understand the plan. He really doesn’t need my help ( even though I keep trying to give it).
Yvonne, I’ve certainly been guilty of praying to the Lord with a plan A and even plan B in mind hoping the Lord would work in a way I wanted Him to. In the end, I’m glad He knows best and is in control.
Karen, I love the clarity of your 3D message–obedience, consecration and amazing wonders. We see this in the Bible.
Glad you enjoyed this, Carol. I pray we live our Christian walk up close and personal with God Himself.
The Word of For will stands forever, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow praise his Holy name forever.
A thousand Hallelujahs to that David. God bless.
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