What Wisdom From Heaven Looks Like

What if wisdom from heaven is unlike anything we ever thought about wisdom and the Bible tells us what it looks like?
Perhaps like me, you’ve done your own search for sources of earthly wisdom at various stages of life.
Because we find it in many forms: reading, education, online classes, asking experts or family and friends, Google searches, and so on.
But gaining knowledge doesn’t always equal wisely applying it to life.
So what does this mean when it comes to wisdom from heaven?
Wisdom from heaven, spiritual wisdom, is also meant to take knowledge, godly knowledge, and apply it to our life here on earth.
Look at one way the Bible describes it.
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17 (NIV)
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17 (NIV) Share on XLet’s discuss each of these aspects of what wisdom from heaven really looks like.
Wisdom From Heaven: Pure, Peace-loving, Considerate
(1.) Pure. Heavenly wisdom is first pure. Pure wisdom is untainted by the world’s definitions and standards.
Also, we walk in pure wisdom by applying it to areas of purity: pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4; Psalm 51:10), sexual purity/marriage bed (Hebrews 13:4), pure in thoughts (Philippians 4:8) and a pure path through God’s Word (Psalm 119:9).
(2.) Peace-loving. Are we peace-loving, walking in wisdom that desires peace in our marriage, with our children, and in all our relationships? And are we wise by targeting peace as the end result in conflict-resolution?
Do others know me as a wise person? What about as a person of peace? Because this is what wisdom from heaven looks like.

(3.) Considerate. Some might say being considerate of others is a lost and forgotten art in our modern world. So how interesting to see it as an integral part of heaven’s wisdom.
At the heart of being a considerate person is guarding against selfish ambition and not walking in pride but in humility. Even 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 describes love as considerate, not selfish or conceited. Are we considerate to friends, family, strangers and to other believers?
Wisdom From Heaven: Submissive, Mercy, Good Fruit
(4.) Submissive. To become someone who has heavenly wisdom, we are submissive to God’s ways and commandments, the Holy Scriptures as truth and God’s counsel and voice.
We are submissive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, especially in the conviction of sin and our need to repent for forgiveness. This is what wisdom from heaven looks like.
We are submissive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, especially in the conviction of sin and our need to repent for forgiveness. This is what wisdom from heaven looks like. Share on X(5.) Full of mercy and good fruit. Wow. What a contrast to worldly wisdom. We can be wise by earthly standards, yet lacking in mercy and a life of good fruit.
But we become wise children of God by giving mercy to others as we have received mercy from our heavenly Father. We don’t withhold mercy, but understand the value of a merciful heart.
Heavenly wisdom is seen in our life by the good fruit we produce: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22). This is what wisdom from heaven looks like.
Wisdom From Heaven: Impartial and Sincere
(6.) Impartial. God shows no partiality (Romans 2:11). Since God created us in His image and He daily makes us into the image of Christ, God wants to mold us into impartial people.
Do we view all of our children the same, not showing favoritism to one? And are we impartial in Christian groups and circles and Bible studies? What about in our communities? As a leader, do we recognize value in everyone God calls us to lead?
(7.) Sincere. A heavenly wise person stops going through the motions and pretending everything is OK or that they are someone other than who they are in Christ.
Heavenly wisdom is sincere. A heavenly wise person stops going through the motions and pretending everything is OK or that they are someone other than who they are in Christ. Share on XSo we possess sincere faith, genuine feelings, and honest speech. This is what wisdom from heaven looks like.

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us where we can become a wise person by heaven’s standards.
Last week’s post, 10 Freeing Ways to be Set Apart for God.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).
© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

You knew “Amens” were coming on this one, didn’t you Ms. Karen? I loved all your descriptions. The one I try and apply in my life is asking myself, “Who will it point to?” If it points to God by aligning with His Word, then I know that what I’m about to say or do will be acceptable in His eyes. That’s the wonderful thing about our Abba God, isn’t it, He never changes. Thank you for this inspiring post today.
J.D., you’re always so kind and encouraging. And you are wise in reflecting on wanting to point to God in all you say or do. May we all reflect on this each day.
This is beautiful! Amen and amen. 🙂
Thanks, Melissa. Heavenly wisdom is seen in our life by the good fruit we produce: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22). This is what wisdom from heaven looks like.
You always give such wise advice. It’s always a blessing to read your blog. Every time I read you, I walk away feeling encouraged and having something significant to meditate upon as I seek to apply your words. Heavenly wisdom is indeed sincere. A heavenly wise person does indeed stop going through the motions, pretending everything is okay, and acting like they are something that they are not. Pure, humble, open, and transparent is much better, for walking with Jesus every day.
Thanks so much for your kind words, Melinda. I just love this passage in James describing heaven from wisdom and how we display that on earth. God bless.
I’m with J. D., Karen. If what I do or say points to God, then I’m on the right track of reflecting His wisdom to the world.
Blessings, and thanks for this thoughtful post!
Martha, that is definitely show-and-tell wisdom from heaven. God bless.
I especially love number 7. Just be you and be real in Christ. We know who we are in him when we see how small we are and when we see how He treasures us. It’s a two-edged sword, acknowledging our sinfulness and our status as imago Dei. Thanks, Karen, and God bless!
Agree, Nancy, no pretense, just being who we are created to be and becoming that new creation in Christ. Blessings!
I have read this passage many times and never stopped to consider in the way you have directed here. Whenever I think of wisdom, scriptures from Proverbs come to mind. This is refreshing and challenging all at the same time.
Hey Beckie, yes, we often think about Solomon’s wisdom and what we find in Proverbs. It’s encouraging to see this fresh look at wisdom James provided for us. God bless.
Amen. I want to a person that seeks heavenly wisdom above all other knowledge. Thank you Karen.
So do I, Yvonne. I believe that’s what the Lord wants for us too.
I love the notion of “pure” wisdom. It makes me think of how we should be childlike and fresh in our faith, exuberant.
That’s a great way to describe pure wisdom, Jessica. Love it.
I love thinking about heaven! And to consider the “submission” aspect makes total sense. Great post!
Thanks, Lisa. I pray we ask the Holy Spirit to show us where we can become a wise person by heaven’s standards.
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