When Wit’s End is Not the End: Real Peace

When we’re at wit’s end, it’s not the end, but an opportunity for Christ to show Himself as the beginning and the end.
Because Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, real peace begins with Him.
Plenty of times in my life, I felt anything but peaceful. And I desperately wanted to refocus my mind and redirect my heart.
I desired to embody the peace Christ makes available to me.
Still, I felt nothing but frustrated and overwhelmed in the circumstances.
Yet, in an uncertain world, there is an undeniable peace, an unshakable anchor for our soul.
Even when bad things happen, the peace of Christ never changes and remains constant.
It offers security strengthening the weariest of souls.
Christ speaks words of peace over us. He applies the Spirit’s soothing balm to our deep wounds and restless minds. Jesus calms our last nerve.
When we're at wit's end, it’s not the end, but an opportunity for Christ to show Himself as the beginning and the end. Because Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, real peace begins with Him. Share on XSo here are five ways to refocus our heart to find P.E.A.C.E when we arrive at wit’s end.
Sometimes we pray as a last resort. Which is the place we find ourselves at wit’s end. Perhaps if we started out our day by praying instead of diving into our daily routine and checking our phone and email, our heart would prove more peaceful. And our mind becomes more thoughtful about what lies ahead and how to ask the Lord for help.
Take time to pray first before thinking too much or talking too much with people other than God. And ask God for His peace, real peace.
Evaluate our priorities. Sometimes we bring wit’s end on ourselves. Do we have projects to work on, activities to schedule, or commitments to fulfill (maybe overcommitted)? Consider what’s important to keep and what we can let go. Then, delegate tasks to those in our family so we feel less overwhelmed.
Finally, let’s make sure God is our top priority for spending time with, consulting, and worshiping.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (ESV)

Accept God’s peace. But here’s a warning: culture’s slick-selling guise tries to convince us of copycats, disguised in other forms.
A deception of “ifs.” If I married, landed the right job, had children, made more money, fulfilled my dreams, numbed the pain, and resolved conflict, then peace would come.
Herein lies the demise: even when our “ifs” come true, things or people never bring peace. When the numbing wears off, the pain returns. Relationships easily turn chaotic. Money never satisfies. Dreams sometimes wake us from a slumber of unmet realities.
When we need peace, we must go to the source of peace. God’s the author and sustainer of peace.
The origin of peace lies in a Savior.
Christ made peace on our behalf becoming our advocate through the cross.
“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20 (ESV)
When we need peace, we must go to the source of peace. God’s the author and sustainer of peace. The origin of peace lies in a Savior. Christ made peace on our behalf becoming our advocate through the cross. Share on XC-Choose
We make choices every day. Likewise, we get to choose peace over chaos, people over preparations, and Jesus over everything. These choices decide if we travel down the road to wit’s end or lead us to God’s peace.
“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed. But my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 (ESV)
Entering into God’s rest brings real inner peace. Sure, there are daily details to attend to. But we also make sure we purposefully lie down in green pastures and let the Good Shepherd lead us beside still waters (Psalm 23:2).
We are mindful to consistently enter into God’s presence.
Entering into God’s rest brings real inner peace. We purposefully lie down in green pastures and let the Good Shepherd lead us beside still waters (Psalm 23:2). We are mindful to consistently enter into God’s presence. Share on XNext Step:

Practice P.E.A.C.E. to take the necessary detour from wit’s end to God’s abundant peace. Pray, evaluate, accept, choose, and enter.
Ask the Lord to help you with each way to acquire real peace in your heart from the Prince of Peace.
Also see, Peace With Super Powers
Featured photos by my husband filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever in Cherokee, NC.
Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:
Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.
Friday’s Forever podcast discusses this post in more detail.
© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved

I love how you used the word PEACE to remind what to do when we are at our wits end. This makes it so much easier to remember. Thanks for the encouragement.
Appreciate your comment, Yvonne. “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20 (ESV)
Amen. I find peace in going to the Father.
So do I, Melissa! It’s important God is our top priority for spending time with, consulting, and worshiping.
God’s peace is everything, Karen. I love how you have expounded on this one word, reminding us to run to the Lord first and foremost.
Martha, it is about running to the Lord first and foremost! Entering into God’s rest brings real inner peace. We purposefully lie down in green pastures and let the Good Shepherd lead us beside still waters (Psalm 23:2). We are mindful to consistently enter into God’s presence.
Amen–God is the author and sustainer of PEACE! I love this wisdom you offer here, Karen!
Jessica, thank you! When we need peace, we must go to the source of peace. God’s the author and sustainer of peace. The origin of peace lies in a Savior. Christ made peace on our behalf becoming our advocate through the cross.
This is an excellent post, and these reminders are needed. When my husband was still working, I had these mornings rituals down. These were the practice of my every day. I didn’t look at my phone. But now, my husband is retired. I love him, and so we end up talking, plotting our day, and then he leads me through our morning devotions. It’s a different way to focus on Christ, and it isn’t alone, just me and Jesus, but these are now the beginning hours of our day. It’s a different kind of blessing for this season.
I love that, Melinda. You and your husband doing devotions together. It’s not just you and Jesus, but it’s all three of you and that’s wonderful! Think of all the couples who just go to their phones even in the same room and not even present in the present, much less conversing on a personal level with each other then with Jesus! Thanks for sharing.
It’s sad that sometimes we wait til we’re at our wit’s end to seek God’s wisdom or help. Our wits can’t really care us very far, and we get to the end of them very soon. I’m so thankful Jesus is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).
Barbara, I like how you expressed this, “Our wits can’t really care us very far, and we get to the end of them very soon.” Truth! “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (ESV)
Thanks so much for the encouring words from Gods Holy word Karen!So true,no matter tbe circumstances that we face each day, real,true,and lasting Peace only comes through Jesus Christ!!🙌🙏
“Lasting peace” is what we all need, Jody. Even if it takes a while for us to realize it!
“For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20 (ESV)
Love this:
“When we’re at wit’s end, it’s not the end, but an opportunity for Christ to show Himself as the beginning and the end. Because Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, real peace begins with Him.”
Glad this spoke to you, Ava. It brings my heart so much comfort!
The source of our peace is always found in Christ isn’t it my friend? Everything else in the world is but a temporary distraction to take our minds off those things that are robbing us of our peace. I guess that’s the secret right there isn’t it Ms. Karen. It’s never really “our peace”, but “His peace.” He gave it to us, we just have to remember to claim it. Loved the post ma’am. Thank you as always.
Yes, J.D., you said it well and said it all when you distinguished between “our peace” and “His peace.” I want to claim the peace available to us as sons and daughters of the Almighty God. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 (ESV)
Hallelujah and Amen Sister in Jesus-Yeshua Christ-Messiah Karen!!
I am a Devout Conservative Christian ✝ Republican in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸 USA and I STAND with the HOLY LAND of Israel-Yisrael🇮🇱 🇮🇱of Israel!! “Pray Without Ceasing” ( I Thessalonians 5:17 KJV ) For USA and Israel-Yisrael and our Christian Earth Forevermore!!
GOD BLESS ALL my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and my Messianic Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua and my Devout Jewish Sisters and Brothers and Your Families and Friends!!
( Genesis 15:18 KJV ) “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram ( Abraham ), saying, Unto thy Seed have I Given this Land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:”!!
Happy Shabbat Shalom ( Peaceful Sabbath ) Everyone!! Also, Happy Shavua Tov ( Good Week ) Everyone!! 💕 Shalom ( Peace ) Everyone!!
Shalom Aleichem and Mazel Tov Everyone!! 💕
I Love ❤ you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!
Love 💕 Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/
Kristi Ann
Thank you, Kristi Ann for your witness as a believer in Jesus!
When we need peace, we must go to the source of peace. God’s the author and sustainer of peace. The origin of peace lies in a Savior. Christ made peace on our behalf becoming our advocate through the cross.
Jesus calms our last nerve. I am holding on to this nugget!
I’m thankful for that truth, Lauren! Christ speaks words of peace over us. He applies the Spirit’s soothing balm to our deep wounds and restless minds.
This is very helpful, Karen. I love what you wrote at the beginning of the steps: “Perhaps if we started out our day by praying instead of diving into our daily routine and checking our phone and email, our heart would prove more peaceful. And our mind becomes more thoughtful about what lies ahead and how to ask the Lord for help.” Jesus our Savior doesn’t have to be the last resort. We don’t have to be at wit’s end to gain peach through Jesus. Thank you for pointing us in the right direction.
Thanks, Stephen. I like how you stated your comment as well, the last 2 lines. Peace is available to us 24/7 and 365 days a year. Last resort and wit’s end don’t even have to come into play, but knowing when we end up there, there’s real peace available makes all the difference!
Great reminders here, Karen. I especially like the warning not to put our hopes in the next thing we’re waiting for.
Nancy, in the same way we worry over “what ifs” that keep us fearful, hoping for our “If…” to happen keep us deceived all the while waiting for false peace.
What a helpful acrostic! “C” is the one I am working on – well, choosing:) I know the truths, the principles, etc….and yet so often choose to focus on that which robs my peace.
You make such a good point, Jennifer. Our choice is key in leading us to real peace. “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed. But my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 (ESV)
The what ifs. They can get us. We delay our peace thinking it will come when this or that happens. Yet God wants us living in peace all the time. Looking to things does not bring us peace. Nor does things happening.
Theresa, I like how you said, “God wants us living in peace all the time.” Yes!
karen, I enjoyed your acrostic with the word peace! Such great advice in these days of turmoil, when anxiety can lure us into overwhelm. Thank you!
Glad this resonated with you, Donna. All the false peace and uncertainty currently would put anyone at wit’s end, over the edge and at the end of ourselves. But God and his peace shine forth!
I’m a big lover of acrostics, so thanks for that.
“The origin of peace lies in a Savior.” No program, plan or goal can bring peace to my life like the Savior does. Thanks for reminding us of this.
Also, ouch about diving into my day with my routine, by checking my phone and my email, without first praying. How did you know? 🙂
Lastly, yes, we can choose! I choose Him!
That’s an ouch for me too, Jerralea. It’s so easy and tempting to dive into what’s around us and what tasks we have for the day instead of talking to our heavenly Father first and asking for His guidance and peace instead of doing things on our own!
In these days we are living, the acrostic will be a lovely way to remember to refocus our heart and mind when we are in turmoil. We always have an anchor for our soul in Jesus.
Joanne, so thankful Jesus is the anchor for our soul and the peace that passing all understanding!
Karen, This is lovely. So beautifully spoken. Blessings.
~Selah ~
Thank you, Paula! So grateful Jesus calms even our last nerve. God bless!