Who I am in the Great I AM

Who I am in the Great I AM

Sometimes I forget who I am in God Almighty, the Great I AM.

Because the enemy of our souls hopes we believe all the wrong affirmations. 

Those negative statements we often say and repeat to ourselves that damage our true identity.

But I’m learning to take my cue about who I am from the Great I AM.

So we need to remind our hearts of powerful “I am” affirmations to regain our true identity. 

I am loved.

If you’re anything like me, you grew up questioning if people really loved you. 

And—gulpwondering if God loves you. 

Maybe these questions formed in various stages of our life. Or, the enemy still uses our uncertainty of love to haunt us in the present.

But the love of God is firm and certain. To believe and know the truth about His love, write out and pray these scriptures: 

  • Love lays down His life for me. (John 15:13)
  • Perfect love drives out my fear. (1 John 4:18)
  • The Lord quiets me with His love, singing over me. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  • God crowns me with steadfast love. (Psalm 103:4)
  • God’s love stands firm forever. (Psalm 89:2)

Affirm: I am loved. This is who I am.

I am chosen.

Please choose me pounded in my chest. Our physical education teacher picked two team captains for the softball game. Back and forth, each captain chose students as team members. 

Sometimes I forget who I am in God Almighty, the Great I AM. But I'm learning to take my cue about who I am from the Great I AM. Share on X

Yet, no one chose me.

And as an adult, I still carry the silent plea of hoping others choose me. But Jesus is the captain of God’s team. He always chooses me and you. 

To believe and know the truth about how the Lord chose you, write out and pray these scriptures:

  • God chose me as His treasured possession. (Deut. 7:6)
  • The Father chose me and appointed me to bear fruit in His name. (John 15:16)
  • I belong to a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…a people for his own possession…to proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
  • God chose me before the foundations of the world to make me holy and blameless. (Ephesians 1:4-5)

Affirm: I am chosen. This is who I am.

Who I am in the Great I AM

I am redeemed.

The Blue Letter Bible online gives the Hebrew word for redeemed as qanah. 

Biblical usage includes: “to get, acquire, to buy, obtain, purchase and recover.”

Furthermore, look at these Google definitions: “compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something); gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.”

Redeemable things in the Bible included land and property.

And sometimes people.

The Redeemer recovered us from the clutches of the enemy, sin, and eternal death. 

Because He paid for our sins with His own blood. 

To believe and know the truth about redemption, write out and pray these scriptures:

  • Christ redeems me by His blood and forgives my sins by God’s grace. (Ephesians 1:7)
  • Christ became a curse for me to redeem me from the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:13)
  • My redeemer lives. (Job 19:25)
  • The Lord redeemed me from the hand of my adversary. (Psalm 107:2)

Affirm: I am redeemed. This is who I am.

I am free.

Our two beloved dogs sleep in crates at night with latched doors. So after the last outside potty trip, it’s time to go inside their respective crates. Then, as morning dawns, they are ready for freedom…to romp about freely.

Likewise, we often take our spiritual freedom for granted. Or, we fail to maintain our freedom in Christ. 

We may live according to the flesh and not the spirit. Perhaps our soul’s chained to an addiction. Maybe we refuse to forgive, and the bitterness imprisons us. 

In Christ, we can break free from every form of bondage.

To believe and know the truth about freedom, write out and pray these scriptures and affirmations:

  • Christ sets me free from sin for eternal life and holiness. (Romans 6:22)
  • True freedom means nothing masters me. (1 Corinthians 6:12)
  • For freedom Christ set me free…guard against going back to slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
  • God’s precepts help me walk in freedom. (Psalm 119:45)

Affirm, I am free. This is who I am.


Who I am in the Great I AM: I am loved, I am chosen, I am redeemed, and I am free. Share on X

I am loved. 

And I am chosen. 

I am redeemed. 

And I am free. 

This is who I am in the Great I AM.

Which affirmations do you struggle with the most? What would you add?

Who I am in the Great I AM

Featured photos courtesy of Friday’s Forever on YouTube.

Last week’s post, For God So Loved: Eternal Life in Jesus.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


June 27, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I still can find myself struggling with the concept that God loves me so deeply in spite of my failures and shortcomings. I know in my heart that I am chosen to be loved by Him, but so aware that I don’t deserve it. I give thanks every day that He gave His precious Son to die that we all might live eternally with Him.
Blessings always, Karen!

Karen says:

Martha, most of us relate to your thoughts here. Still, God loves us with an everlasting love that is not based on anything we do or don’t do. Hallelujah! God bless!

Jessica Brodie says:

Amen and amen. God loves me in spite of the bad and all my mistakes! We are so blessed!

Karen says:

Hallelujah! Jessica is loved, chosen, redeemed and free!

Amen. I am loved by God. I am precious because He created me. 🙂

Karen says:

Yes, Melissa is loved, chosen, redeemed and free!

Karen, I needed this message today! Thank you for reminding us of our identity in Christ. These truths never get old for me. I do battle the negative thoughts you mentioned, so these Biblical truths are an anchor for me. God bless you!

Karen says:

Melissa is loved, chosen, redeemed, and free!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Loved your message Karen. I found so much encouragement in your words. Thank you for sharing

Karen says:

Yvonne is loved, chosen, redeemed and free!

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